What were the results of your brainstorm and discussion activities? Were there any difficulties deciding on who is responsible for deforestation? What were the results of the vote?
This post was edited on: 2010-04-22 at 03:45 PM by: sarahassan (Moderator)
4 Replies
We think that humans are the main and the origin of deforestation. Think about it? What more could be more disastrous than our consumption of products made through trees. Such kinds of products include : paper, palm oil ( to create products live DOVE!!!) Humans destroy the wildlife to have land for growing crops or settling large populations. This activity cannot be reduced as we cannot survive without enough food and proper shelter.
But through other ways, we can! Trees are so important. They keep us alive every second, every minute. The air we breathe in is contributed by their hard work and this is how we treat them? DOVE, unlikely, is a product made from palm oil which originates from trees. The impact is devastating. Paper is also a good murderer to trees, seemingly as how we abuse it.
Imagine a world without trees. Even though we do not take them for granted, we are actually living off of them now, even when i am typing this and you are reading this. Humans might die due to lack of trees as global warming is no small joke. Earth might be demolished and eroded from any forms of life.
Of course, it does not mean that we must not touch any tree. Its hard. Some of our basic needs are made through trees. However, we could use less of them to reduce all the impact. A way might be to
stop using DOVE and use other products that does not include PALM OIL! Steps to reduce paper usage has already been mentioned in video 2 from this assignment. I believe that if you google on ways to reduce paper usage, there are many ways and there are definitely ONE or more that we can do. So, we have to stop being lazy! We have to do our part! Or you will definitely regret it! I can bet on that! We might have to resort to living on other planets, but would those planets really have stuff like water, food that we need? Think before you act, it all depends on us. From video 1, we only have less than 10 years left to lighten the impact on deforestation. It may seem long but its not. Time is of the essence. Why wait? Start now!
There were no difficulties for our group when deciding on who is responsible for deforestation. Our ideas are the same and we cannot think of any other trouble-makers except us ourselves and everyone out there. Our votes would naturally be the same so we hope we and every single living being can support the pillars of the heavy burden so that there would be a better future. It would be better rather than to live in a world where the whole race of humanity might just erased, isn't it?
That was a great and passionate response to who you think are the main drivers of deforestation. Like you said, humans, and human consumption are the main reasons for deforestation, and we need to stop using products that contain palm oil. We should definitely think before we act - what are some of the things we can do in our day-to-day lives to reduce our use of palm-oil products, reduce our use of paper, etc?
We could use phones to record some notes instead of jotting them down on paper. It is more convenient and more practical and i believe at least 70% would prefer to use their phones. If the text is too long, it would be a pain to our poor hands... Texting is an easy effort however!
To reduce palm oil products, we just have to check every product that we are using to ensure that no palm oil is being used. Hence, it saves more trees. For example, don't use DOVE, use CLEAN&CLEAR!
May 17, 2010 at 10:13 AM