
Jan 22, 2014 at 11:22 AM by Stephen MacKinnon

What role could experts have in the Intervener activity?

3 Replies

Ellen Francis
Jan 22, 2014 at 11:36 AM

Experts, including individuals who have acted as interveners in the past, could provide information (via video, audio, or written) that could contribute to the students' development of considerations about what concerns the intervener they are role playing might have.

In addition, once the students have prepared their statements of concern, an expert could be made available online to contribute to discussions about why or why not a submission would result in the approval of intervener status for a group or individual.

This could be done via live web video/audio seminar. Students could each log into the seminar and could each present a slide outlining the main points of their statement of concern. The expert and panel (made up of teachers?) could then answer any questions other students may have and all of the students and panel members could "vote" on who should become an intervener. It needs to be reinforced that not becoming an intervener does not reflect the quality of the student's work, rather it would reflect the rules and regulations the province and the federal government have introduced to determine what concerns and impacts would be eligible.

Stephen MacKinnon
Jan 23, 2014 at 9:42 AM

Lots of great thoughts Ellen.

I think the involvement of a wide range of experts will greatly enhance the learning here. The activity is especially suited to a wide range of experts.

Based on our past experiences, experts are typical very busy professionals and we need to limit the time demands and at the same time maximize the impact on student learning.

Some experts might only be able to answer a few email from the students. Even this simple interaction can be a very positive for the students.

Your suggestion of a webinar or video conference with a stakeholder expert is great. We would want to capture the video of this so that it would be available afterwards by all students.

Ellen Francis
Jan 23, 2014 at 9:50 AM

I agree. Also, by doing two official sessions each year, we could rotate experts who could respond in real time to a large number of students.