Oct 21, 2010 at 7:07 PM by Mandeep Atwal

Newton Moore Senior High School, Bunbury Western Australia SMART GOALS
1. Taking Deforestaction into our Primary Schools!
We will be visiting 4 to 5 Primary Schools around our district to raise awareness amongst children. The sessions will go for about one hour with the years four and seven students.Hopefully the children will talk to their parents about it. We will run a series of activities including games, puzzles, slideshow/powerpoints, qiuzzes and to raise a little more money, orangutan cupcakes. All activities help the students to understand about deforestation. It will be a small cost to participate and this will contribute to our deforestation program. The chairperson is Ashleigh Collett and the exectutive members are Karissa Linaker and Jaimie Lee Burrows. Our team consists of ten students and we will all be participating at the Primary Schools. From Ashleigh, Karissa,Bridget,Darcy, Jordon, Blake, Cody, Aiden, Jaimie and Maddi

The ORANGATHON!™ will be an event held within our school, Newton Moore SHS. It will be a day of awareness and of fundraising with; gold coin donation for your hair to be sprayed orange or, wranger, taking year group by year group of Sose classes through the periods of the day and preeching the need to maintain the population of the orangutans and prevent the deforestation of palm oil trees. At recess and lunch, we will have activities such as a teachers versus student basketball game(gold coin donation required. There are 15 people in our group, I'm Jaydon Wilson, the chairmen, and the executive members Aiden Tyrrell, Zoe Thorpe and Josh Young. ORANGATHON!™ will occur towards the end of 2010.

3. Wall Muriel
Students are designing two large boards outside classrooms. The first will show a pristine ecosystem with threatened species thriving. The second board will show a burnt out, cleared landscape with stressed animals. Information on how students can help will also be on the boards.Our chair peolpe Maddi, Cody and Executives are Aiden, Blake and

This post was edited on: 2010-11-04 at 09:54 PM by: LorraineEllis (Moderator)

This post was edited on: 2010-11-04 at 11:49 PM by: LorraineEllis (Moderator)

3 Replies

Frances Lockyer
Oct 21, 2010 at 8:53 PM

Taroona High's 3 smart goals are:

1. To have Grade 7 students educate the rest of the school community, organising their own lessons and presenting material on palm oil production in school assemblies.

2. To have students set up Facebook pages for Tazz d'Eville (a Tasmanian Devil) and Orrie Anotan (an orangutan) to raise awareness of the orangutans' plight - Tazz and Orrie are mates through their joint statuses as endangered species.

3. To set up a paypal account to collect funds from "Help my Mate Orrie" fundraising campaign.

This post was edited on: 2010-10-25 at 09:12 PM by: Frances Lockyer

Jared Lawson
Oct 21, 2010 at 10:59 PM

Here are Waggrakine Primary's SMART goals.

1. By the end of Week 3, each class will come up with one awareness raising campaign so that the message about palm oil and orangutans is spread throughout the Geraldton community.

2. By June 2011 we will raise $1000 so that we can contribute to SHOUT fundraising to save the orangutans.

Belinda Frost
Oct 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM

…DeforestACTION SMART goals for the DMSC…

1. Fundraising
Over the coming month, students aim to arrange 2 separate fundraisers in our school community, a milkshake day and selling raffle tickets, to raise money for saving the orang-utans and buying back land to protect rainforests.

2. Social networking
Students will create a facebook group to demonstrate against palm oil production and raise awareness of the importance of labelling products, so that consumers can make informed decisions.A link to this page will be uploaded on our DMSC blog.

3. Public awareness campaign
Students will raise awareness in the school, local and broader community by running a poster campaign at school, creating articles for the local newspaper and school newsletter and writing letters to politicians about deforestation and the damage it is doing to our environment.