Silent online debate

START DATE:Nov 8, 2007DUE DATE:Nov 29, 2007STATUS:Open


Acting as student representatives of a mini United Nations, students will propose ideas as teams in order to solve the current and future population dilemmas. Be sure to post an initial discussion with an appropriate title. It would be best for one student in your group to begin the discussion and then the rest of the group to respond next and continue the ideas. All will contribute and will obviously bring different ideas as you may have worked on a different country than the rest of those in your group. Use the class discussion area and create a title that includes your group number (There will only be 4 group discussions as there are 4 groups). This needs to be a dialogue about what needs to happen to not only insure our survival but those of the other species living on this planet. Back up what you say with statistics or with some type of research. You should all be doing an Internet search to help you with better information and ways of solving the problem (an example search would be "suggestions for controlling world population"). It is easy to say that we need to control population and suggest countries it needs to happen in. It is another to have a great suggestion that countries would be able to understand and would truly help them in solving the problem. It is your responsibility to respond to all discussions in a meaningful and educated manner. Every response should have the following in it: 1. A positive comment on some aspect of the proposal (not just "great!" but include what was great), 2. a question for clarification or better understanding that the author can re-comment on, and 3. a critique of one aspect of the proposal (this is a disagreement in a professional manner that leads to future dialog). A critique does not mean what they should do differently but what you don't agree with and why.

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