Posted by Frances Lockyer on 29 Nov 2010

Become friends with Orrie Anotan and Tazz d'Eville on Facebook!

Tazz and Orrie's wall postings and updates will give you ideas and information regarding palm oil products - what to use, what not to use - and fundraising ideas.  The more friends Orrie and Tazz have, the more chance of raising awareness of the plight of orangutans in Indonesia and Malaysia!

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 21 Oct 2010



Don't forget to upload your three Smart Goals to the discussion thread!!

Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 17 Aug 2010

Let's make this collaboration

REAL ...


Dear Schools

I hope you all enjoyed your very first DeforestACTION Live meeting.  I have uploaded the PowerPoint presentation to the following folder:  Live Meeting Webinar Presentations. Please feel free to share this with the rest of your school.

Here is a quick reminder of the tasks that were set at the end of the meeting:

Task 1: TIG profile

Task 2: School Gallery

  • Take a class photo and upload it to the DeforestACTION gallery. Write a little about your class. Find another class from another school and comment on their photo...start connecting :-)

Task 3: Create a School Blog

  • Create a school a blog. Label your blog clearly with your school’s name. Your first blog post could be about your school. Use this blog as your online school journal so that anyone anywhere in the world can follow your DeforestACTION story.  Please keep this updated on a weekly basis.

Task 4: Assignment

             Complete assignment 1. There are separate tasks for Primary and Secondary school phases:


We would like to arrange a DeforestACTION orientation with each school.  Could you please email me at: with the following information (clearly stating the name of your school in the email):

  1. Teacher contact
  2. Student Lead contact
  3. Technical contact

Can’t wait to see the online collaboration develop :-)


Posted by Mandeep Atwal on 17 Aug 2010

  • Welcome to SHOUT DeforestACTION!

The DeforestACTION Collaboration is a space for you to:

  • Become INSPIRED by the wonders of the forest;
  • Become INFORMED by understanding the causes, impacts and politics of deforestation at the local and global level;
  • Become INVOLED with students from around the world in creating a global action plan against deforestation.

In this space, you can:

  • Create a DeforestACTION blog for your school to share their ideas;
  • Check out games, videos and websites about deforestation inbookmarks;
  • Ask questions and share your thoughts with other students as well as answer assignment questions on the discussion boards;
  • Post and comment on deforestation images, art work and pictures in the gallery;
  • Upload and share your files and writing related to deforestation;
  • Use the map to tell us where you are from; and
  • Engage in real-time text and video chat.

Connect with each other from around the world and take deforestACTION!

Educators: There are several activities listed in the Assignments section that can be conducted with your students.  Please note that activities marked with a P are for primary students, and S for secondary students.  For example, Activity P1 is the first activity for primary students, while S3 is the third activity for secondary students.