Magical Moments Around the World

START DATE:Jul 30, 2012DUE DATE:Jan 6, 2013STATUS:Open


Description: A uniting of youth all over the world sharing their human spirit in a global online book for generations to come. Magical Moment around the World is a global educational project dedicated to inspiring global coexistence, compassion, mutual care, understanding and a reverence of life, by fostering awareness that we are all connected by one human spirit. Magical Moments around the World is dedicated to showing that all humans share a unique spirit connecting us all. It is also dedicated to spreading light in ourselves and others. Envision a world that is guided by compassion and respect. By reading other peoples magical moments we become aware that our happiness is connected to other people's happiness. We see that others’ desires for happiness are the same as mine. In its essence the project aims to provide youth the right to be aware that we are all connected by one human spirit. This is done by writing magical moments in a global online book that will be presented in a multilingual website. The writing of the book will be on an ongoing basis for generations to come. In this way one big book is created by the people for the people. A book that depicts the human spirit. Contributions: • Give inspiration, hope and a sense of well being. Spreading light in ourselves and others. Raising awareness in our ability to summon up good feelings. A reverence of life. • Creating a new awareness/spirit of coexistence among the various peoples, religions and cultures within a single interconnected civilization. Showing that we are all part of one big human family sharing a unique human spirit connecting us all. • Deepen pro-social values such as kindness, helpfulness, personal responsibility and respect for others. Process: Workshop Activity Details A. Prepare the classroom Write down an example of a MM and the 6 questions on the blackboard or bristol paper as shown below: MM example: I would like to read to a passage written by a student. "Dear friends, I would like to share a magical moment with you. I helped and old woman who had difficulty walking across the street. She thanked me and smiled. It was a simple deed, but I felt really good. Regards, Human being just like you." Questions: 1. Who is this student? 2. Where does the student come from? 3. What is his\her gender? 4. Could you or one of your friends be this student? 5. What are the values displayed by this student? 6. What can you conclude from this experience? B. Introduce and explain the project, activities and outcomes. Basically go by the student manual, C. Classroom discussion Have a class discussion about the MM and questions and write down on the blackboard some of students' answers. D. Hand out the student manuals Answer the questions using the student manual and explain about the human spirit. E. Have the students write down their MM * Optional: Hang up the MM on classroom wall without the students names. Have students look and choose the one they like. Discuss and reflect about what the students felt when looking at other MM. F. Translate & Send MM to coordinator If needed translate the MM to English. Collect the MM and email them attached as a word document or in the body of the email to Please include the following details at the bottom of each MM: NAME: ____________________________ AGE: _____________________________ COUNTRY: _____________________________ You may want to involve the English teacher in this process or other volunteers who are fluent in English. • After receiving the MM from the teachers, the coordinator enters MM to MM website and emails a newsflash notifying participants of the newly added MM. G. Interaction Teachers can decide to interact by teaming up with other classroom\s and also use any means for communication like forums and galleries on TIGed.

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