Promoting sustainability

Jan 7, 2014 at 10:58 AM by Gray Townsend

Our school promotes sustainability in a variety of ways. Our class makes encouraging signs to post all around school to promote the importance of recycling and other sustainability methods. Our science department is also very involved. They created solar panels that are placed on the roof of the school and gathers solar energy to power the science classrooms. Our class in constantly coming up with new ways to promote the importance of keeping our environment cleaner and using safer ways to gather energy.

4 Replies

Jan 9, 2014 at 12:56 AM

It's very awesome how your school has solar panel, as sunlight is unlimited. Thus this gives your school free energy. However i have heard that solar panels are inefficient still. Hopefully in the future they make better ones. smile

Jan 9, 2014 at 1:01 AM

Your school must be really pretty with all the signs and stuff!! The fact that your school's very own science department made the solar panels is super impressive; we don't have anything like them here.

Jan 9, 2014 at 1:07 AM

I think it is amazing that your school uses solar panels! It is also nice that you guys post up posters as reminders to recycle, because signs have a very good influence on people smile

Jan 9, 2014 at 1:11 AM

As I have upheld throughout all my comments, awareness truly is the one of the main arms we need in carrying out a plan, with full consent and knowledge of everyone concerned. The solar panels are also an astounding (yet difficult to carry out) idea which he hope to be able to incorporate in our energy management in the near future. Alternative energy sources are a growing solution to environment preservation, and I believe in their maximum potential to influence the world.