Promoting Sustainability

Jan 7, 2014 at 10:56 AM by william herzberg

Our school makes a strong effort to promote sustainability with its core being our honors sustainability course. Many signs are posted throughout the school promoting awareness of recycling. Signs will tell people what they can and cant recycle and there are tons of recycling bins throughout the school. Our environmental club has also orchestrated a school wide clean up day to promote sustainability and show students the amount of trash buildup around our school and the importance of recycling.

3 Replies

Jan 9, 2014 at 1:05 AM

I really like the idea of clean-up day; we haven't had something like that at all. It seems like a really great way to get students involved and learning! Also, the signs telling people what to and what not to recycle are also a great idea. It's functional & creative~

Jan 9, 2014 at 1:08 AM

In CISM, we also encourage everyone to recycle. Similarly, we have several recycling bins and signs that promote sustainability. I think having clubs that promote this is very helpful! smile

Jan 9, 2014 at 1:13 AM

Awareness, awareness, and more awareness. Consistency and sustainability of this awareness in any long-term project, especially in a school, must always be the focus, and it sounds like there is much of this in your school! Your recycling efforts are also commendable and inspiring, especially the "clean-up day" which truly promotes the importance of being environment-conscious/friendly.