Response to North Carolina Fights back Coal Ash Pollution

Dec 10, 2013 at 7:52 AM by bryano17

The problem that North Carolina faces is the coal ash pollution where the coal plant produces so much coal ash pollution. The ash from the coal plant contaminates the water in the lake thus people and animals cannot use it for their own purpose or else they would get sick. Also the ash makes it difficult difficult for some people to breathe especially the ones with lung diseases. One solution for this problem is to educate more people in what is happening so then more people can join in the movement. With the help of more people, their movement will gain momentum and more progress will be done. One connection between this problem to the Philippines is that there is lots of pollution. However most of this is caused by the amount of cars we have here in the Philippines. The effect of this is that it sometimes makes it difficult for people to breathe.