What our school does to help sustain the enviornment

Jan 7, 2014 at 8:34 AM by sophiec17

Certain grades in our school actively support a charity called the Greenearth Foundation. This charity helps former illegal loggers become farmers; thus helping people, and helping the environment. The students run food sales to raise funds, and are planning a field trip to visit the land they helped develop. Our students also recycle paper, tetra packs, bottle caps, and soda tabs; some for selling/donating, and some for reuse.

According to our school's head of finance, those who work in operations sometimes practice what is called telecommuting. This means these people don't have to go into work, and can work from home. This saves gas, thus reducing that person's carbon footprint. Our offices also recycle used paper, with the exception of those with certain info already printed on them. Our school also tries to prolong non biodegradable items' use, and we try to use more environment friendly products (ex. insecticides). smile

4 Replies

Gregory McNeer
Jan 8, 2014 at 3:01 PM

Your telecommunication program seems very interesting. Unfortunately, there are probably fewer than five people who could telecommute at FCDS, and most of them are computer technicians! Also, our school is working to promote recycling around campus much like yours.

Josie Hanes
Jan 9, 2014 at 1:51 PM

The telecommunication program seem really interesting and beneficial to the environment. Our school is much alike yours in that we both focus on recycling all throughout our campus.

william herzberg
Jan 9, 2014 at 1:54 PM

I find it interesting how your school allows people to work at home to reduce their carbon footprint.

Sydney Browder
Jan 9, 2014 at 2:19 PM

The telecommuting for work is a great way to be sustainable that our school doesn't use. We also incorporate a recycling program that is very efficient. Since our school uses a lot of paper, we try our best to make sure that it all gets recycled.