Strategies to promote sustainable environment and to reduce ecosystem destruction

Jan 7, 2014 at 7:27 AM by bryano17

One program that our school is implementing is switching from fluorescent light bulbs to LED bulbs as LED bulbs generally use less electricity then the fluorescent ones. Another program is that our school is replacing their air con with more sufficient and eco friendly ones, although this is a big investment so research carefully and i think this should be a choice of whenever other school should do this. Furthermore, the officers in our school monitors the consumption of supplies in our school to adjust any school operation that is taking too much materials. Our school also converts left over food from the canteen into fertilizer which will help the plants to grow from the additional nutrients from the plants. Finally we have recycling which we send recyclable materials to the nearby recycling factory. Anther interesting fact is that many of our school's play props is made from recycling materials, thus lessening the cost of having to buy material to make more props.

1 Reply

Josie Hanes
Jan 9, 2014 at 1:58 PM

Our schools are much a like in that we both use LED light bulbs to conserve energy. We also recycle every class room around our school.