Response to the video "6,500 Fish found dead overnight in Twin Lakes, North Carolina (July 14, 2012)"

Dec 6, 2013 at 1:30 AM by philipe17

This video is about the effects of rising water temperature on lives of fish. To solve this, we should be able to find a way to control the waters temperature. It's ironic how the problem in the video is rising temperatures, when there was an issue in the Philippines is lowering temperatures. In May of 2011, 750 tons of fish were found dead near the Taal Volacano. Scientists hypothesize that this is a result of Manila's rainy season.

2 Replies

Sydney Browder
Dec 10, 2013 at 10:46 AM

There is definitely a need to control the water temperatures that are causing so many fish to die. There may also be a problem with pollution in the waters that could have an effect on the fish. I recently read an article that described a new type of boats with an electrical motor. These boats do not give off harmful pollution, and in effect they help keep the aquatic creatures and plants safe. If these boats could be used in an area where there are problems with dead fish, the water temperatures and pollution might be fixed with a more environmentally-friendly boat.

Dec 18, 2013 at 1:56 AM

It seems that any sudden change in the water's temperature has a very sudden effect on the fishes, because in the video and in the example that Philip gave about the Philippines there has been a change of temperature in the water. The result is that many fishes have died.