Louise Jenkins

Student Enterprise Coordinator, The Regent's School - Pattaya, Thailand
Thailand Pattaya, Chon Buri, Thailand
  • Languages : English, Vietnamese
  • Last Login : Jul 3, 2013

About Me

I am an Australian who has been living and teaching in international schools in Vietnam and Thailand for nearly 15 years. Before I went into teaching I worked for a government organisation in Vietnam, having studied Vietnamese language in my undergraduate studies. I suppose I would say that my interest in global (certainly Asian) issues began more than 30 years ago when I participated in an exchange program to Indonesia. After that I began to study languages and politics. With my teaching now - IB Economics and Business & Managment - I try to impart a concern and awareness to my students of the necessity to transform our world to being sustainable.

  • My Interests
    Social Entrepreneurship